
Thing 16: Explore online collaboration with Google Docs

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Easy-to-use Web 2.0 tools enable people around the world to collaborate so much easier than in the past. Google Docs is an online workspace to produce, upload, and share work with others. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor. All are compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

With Google Docs, there are zero barriers for working on documents anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. You could collaborate with someone on the opposite side of the globe, working at different times and rates.

A Google account is required. If you have a Blogger account, you have a Google Account. If not, now is a good time to have one. Go to Google Docs.

Online Productivity
Google Docs is a great tool for writers. An online copy allows for working from any computer, and is good for collaborative work. Don't take my word for it, try it out here.

Video: Google Docs in Plain English

To complete Thing 16 you must:
A. Log-in to Google Docs and start a new document
B. Explore Google Docs
C. Reflect on Thing 16 in your blog

Log-in to Google Docs and start a new document

Once you're logged into Google Docs start a new document. As you type in the document, it will auto save periodically. Go ahead and give it a try.

Explore Google Docs

This is a good time to explore Google Docs. Try creating another new document or spreadsheet. Or, upload one from your computer. Playing with it is how you'll discover the possibilities. Try clicking SHARE and give others access to that file.

Reflect - Blog Prompts for Thing 16
How might you use this tool in your personal and professional life? What issues come to mind about using this tool with others (ie, they need email addresses to log-in)? What value might this have with your writing and/or other work you do?

--Return to the Writer Thing List

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